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Practical Neural Network Recipies in C++ download
Practical Neural Network Recipies in C++ download

Practical Neural Network Recipies in C++ by Masters

Practical Neural Network Recipies in C++

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Practical Neural Network Recipies in C++ Masters ebook
Page: 509
Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann
ISBN: 0124790402, 9780124790407
Format: djvu

These generic implementations illustrate the adaptive nature inherent in neural networks; however, deviating from standard architectures and gearing the design specifically for a problem can sometimes reduce network training time and improve network accuracy. A neural network tool is needed to facilitate the manipulation of the network .. Practical Neural Network Recipes in C++ , Academic Press, ISBN 0-12-479040-2 , US $45 incl. Network Training with QuickProp— A Computer Experiment 170. Practical Neural Network Recipes in C++ by Timothy Masters, July 1997, Academic Press edition, Paperback in English. Masters, "Practical Neural Network Recipies in C++" English | 1993-04-14 | ISBN: 0124790402 | 504 pages | PDF | 197.14 mb. Neural network PC tools: a practical guide - Russell C. This text serves as a cookbook for neural network solutions to practical problems using C++. Practical Neural Network Recipes in C++. Practical Neural Network Recipies in C++ Description: This text serves as a cookbook for neural network solutions to practical problems using C++. Harcourt Brace Jovanovic, Boston, 1993. Neural networks are used as a distributed computer.

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